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Rewari at a Glance

About Rewari Police Before the 1st war of independence of 1857, the Kotwal was the head of Police system who was the direct appointee of Raja. Like police posts in the present system seem to have been set up at some strategic places which were known as ‘Sthanas’ which were later police stations called as Thanas. Rewari was the kingdom of Raja Rao Tula Ram up to 1st war of independence of 1857 and the people of this area had fought for independence. After the first war of independence, British Monarch divided this area into multiple parts. Rewari was kept as a sub division of district Gurgaon, which was a part of the then joint Punjab. In 1972 this sub division was transferred to district Mohindergarh and on 03-11-1989 District Rewari came into existence. After the 1st war of Independence, British Monarch took over the British India under his direct control and police also became the subject of the British Administration. The police was reconstituted under the Police Act, 1861 which continues to be the guiding law in India even today.

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